Deep inside BitTorrent Sync's cloudless file syncing | PCWorld BitTorrent Sync offers cloud storage's benefits without its privacy concerns or service outages. Here's how to use it. ... Deep inside BitTorrent Sync's cloudless file syncing Cloud services like OneDrive and Dropbox are dead-simple to set up and make mul
BitTorrent | Sync Help Center Getting Started with Sync 15 Articles View All Introducing Sync 1.4 Beta Step-by-Step Guide to Syncing How do I install Sync? Where can I download Sync? How do I add a new folder? How do I add a folder if I've got a link? How do I add a ...
BitTorrent Sync - Use Cases Step 1 - Add a folder to Sync. When you add a folder to Sync, a set of read-only and read/write keys to the folder are created. These keys can then be shared with ...
BitTorrent Sync - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia BitTorrent Sync by BitTorrent, Inc is a proprietary peer-to-peer file synchronization tool available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone and ...
Hands-on: Sweeping BitTorrent Sync update streamlines cloudless file-sharing | PCWorld BitTorrent Sync offers an enticing promise: share any folders you want across all your devices using peer-to-peer networking—no cloud necessary. And people are buying into that promise, according to BitTorrent, with more than 10 million installs of the ap
What To Expect Next From Sync | The Official BitTorrent Blog 2014年11月19日 - A year and a half ago, BitTorrent Sync started with a simple idea: give people the ability to sync large files fast by skipping the cloud. We've ...
Sync | The Official BitTorrent Blog Sync Stories is a column dedicated to our users. Each week, we showcase a different use case for BitTorrent Sync and the personal stories behind it.
BitTorrent | Sync Help Center Can I change how often Sync checks for file changes? Can other ... What happens when I disconnect a folder or file from BitTorrent Sync? What if files with same ...
BitTorrent Sync 流量、空間無上限!P2P 檔案/硬碟分享、遠端 ... 2013年4月24日 - 其實BitTorrent Sync 說穿了就是一種P2P 檔案分享軟體,不過他的定位比較偏向個人與朋友間使用,而不像以前BT, eMule..那種開放讓不認識的 ...
BitTorrent Sync 測試心得BT 私密同步與Dropbox 的不同-電腦 ... 2013年4月24日 - 今天,歷史上第一個使用BT 點對點檔案分享技術而成名的BitTorrent,正式發佈了他們已經測試一段時間的最新實驗性軟體:「 BitTorrent Sync 」。